London 4th. November 1766
Mr. Green Church Warden
Mr. Pope
Mr. James
Mr. Newton
Mr. Haydon
The Poor were all call'd in, severally examined, and
no complaints.
Ordered, Sarah Holford< no role >
an Electuary to be made up
according to a receit she has, for a Georbutic Disorder,
which she is afflicted with Martha Dionis< no role >
to have
a Connection at Bark, mix'd with Brandy for her again
Orderd the Apothecary to come again to Elizabeth Holdsworth< no role >
she having had a return of her fever, agreed to give
Elizabeth Holford< no role >
, a shift, Apron Handkerchief & a
Pair of Shoes.
London 2d. December 1766
Present Mr. William Lem< no role >
Ch. Warden
Mr. Peter Pope< no role >
Mr. Richard James< no role >
Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
} Overseers
The Poor were all call'd in and severally examined Martha
Dionis wants two Caps; Mr. Birch spoke to about Pat.
Dionis's Cloaths. Elizabeth Holdworth< no role >
2 Petticoats, 1 Pr. shoes
1 Pair Stockings; Mary Teazer< no role >
to have 1 Pr. Shoes.