City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th July 1788 - 30th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650010273

Image 273 of 46515th November 1788

John Foster< no role > of Southampton [..] Chancery lane Atty.
at law maketh oath that on Thursday night last Dept who was
the Atty . concerned against the deced went to Mr. Atkins's the office is
Lease where Deced was to set him to execute a till of Sale wheel he
bad before agreed to doThat he then declined to execute it
& dept says he looked previously & to hased very abrupt to dept &
fit very different manner to what he had done the eve. before

Sworn the 15th day of
November 1788 before me}

T Shelton Corr.

Jno. Foster< no role >

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