That the Rakers be Obliged to come
through the Streets twice in every week to
Take away the Soyl and Ashes instead of every
That the Rakers be Obliged to Sweep the
Streets instead of the Inhabitants
That the Rakers be Obliged to Fetch
the Dust out of the Cellars Yard and out houses
of the several Inhabitants as shall be willing
to paya Year for the same
That every Inn keeper Wharfinger or other
Persons keeping Stable be Obliged to carry their
own Dung away or pay for the same besides
paying the Public Rate
That the Rakers be Obliged to give Notice
of his coming by the Sound of a bell and that
be Stay a convenient time for the Inhabitants
to bring out their Dirt and Dust
Ordered that the Clerk buy the two Acts
that are made for the better Cleansing the
&c in the Parish of St Leonard
Shared its
and Christ church
and produce the same at
this board at their next meeting
Adjourned to Friday
the 2d. Febry 4 in the afternoon