A Motion made and the Question put whether a
Committee be appointed to Draw up a Plan of an Act of
Parliament for the better Cleansing and Enlightening the
and Regulating the Nightly watch and Bedels
and to Report the sd. Plan to a General Vestry for their
Approbation at a certain time whereof Notice shall
be given in the Church
in the Affirmative
Agreed that the Church wardens be Empower'd
to Appoint a Committee for the Purposes aforesaid
consisting of 16 Inhabitants and themselves and that
Eight of them with one of the Churchwardens be a Quorum
to Transact Business and to Adjourn from time to time
as they shall see Occasion
and that the Vestry Clerk be the Clerk attending the said
The Church wards. appointed the following Persons
the Committee
Tho Lane< no role >
Mr Jas. Lambourn< no role >
Mr Wm. Owen< no role >
Mr. Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr Thos. Warford< no role >
Mr Fox Sherry
Mr. Jas. Wilshin< no role >
Mr Thos. Heath< no role >
Mr. Abraham Mombray< no role >
Mr. Thomas Day< no role >
Mr John Pyke< no role >
Mr Thomas Burnett< no role >
Mr Tho Bedwell< no role >
Mr Geo Hitchcock< no role >
Mr Philip Poole< no role >
Mr. Fras. Barron
And that the first meeting be on Thursday the 18th. Instant