St. Clemt. Danes
Octr. 10th. 1749
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the
said Parish-on appeals agt. the Poor rate
Tho: Lane< no role >
Geo Etrington< no role >
Jas. Pearson< no role >
Appeals agt. £20 a Yr. in Hollywel Street
Reduced to £12 upon Oath
Mr. Abraham agt. £28 a Year in Witch Street
Reduced to £16 upon Oath from Lady Day
Mr. Astell agt. £30 a Yr. in Witch Strt.
Continued at £30 a Yr.
Mr. Pearce Clements Inn Gate
To pay his rate
Mr John Dunkley< no role >
appeals agt. £16 a Yr. in Clemts. Inn Pay
Reduced to £9 upon Oath
Mr. Lenham agt. £12. a Yr. in same Place
Reduced to £9 upon Oath
Mr. Francis Claremarket To pay in a month
Wm King< no role >
Houghton Strt.
To pay at £18. from Lady Day
David Anthony< no role >
Portugal Street
Reduced to £24 from Xtmas last
Ann Humphryson< no role >
Hemlock Court
& Gas Oliver< no role >
Referred to the Ovrs. to Enquire into
their Circumstances
Chas. Francklin< no role >
for Tennts.Rated
Reduced to £17. from Xtmas last
Mrs. Humphrys appeals agt. £12 a Yr. in Shire Lane
Reduced to £10 upon Oath
Edwd. Fancourt< no role >
agt. £70 a Yr. at Temple Barr
Reduced to £52. from Lady Day last