Mr. Smith of the Bull in Milford Lane
requesting alteration or raising of the Kirb
Leave Granted to be done under the authority
the Inspector
Mr. Brown requesting a New Post, the Corner
of Essex Street
Ordered that one be put down
Complaint being made of a Nuisance by
Mr. Browen the Inhabitant of the House the
corner of Carey Street
in Portugal Street Placing Furniture Ordered
that he be Summoned to attend the next meet
and that the Beadle's desire his Removal of
such Nuisance
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
Saint Clement
At a meeting of the Committee Elected
appointed Pursuant to the Act of Parish
for better Paving Cleansing and Lighting
this Parish Etc held in the Vestry Room
the 7th. day of June 1793
Present{ Mr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. CoxMr. Sumner
Mr. JohnsonMr. Burnthwaite
Mr. NurseMr. Rosier
The Minutes of the last meeting Read
and Confirmed
Read the Returns of the Inspectors of Paving
and Lamps