Saint Clement
At a meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act
of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish
Etc held in the Vestry Room the
15th day of March 1793
Present{ Mr. Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr. RustMr. Nurse
Mr WingroveMr. Bird
Mr. Rosier
The Minutes of the last meeting Read and
Ordered that there be affixed up in the Vestry
Room and upon the Church for Publick inspection
An Account of every penalty imposed upon any
Contractor by the Act of Parliament and also of all
Penalties contained in every Contract for Nonperformance
thereof and the made prescribed for Recovery or
Levying thereof and also the times when the respective
Streets Lane and other Passages and places are to be
Cleansed and the Lamps Lighted and Cleaned
Read the Return of the Inspector of Paving
and three of the Inspectors of Lamps
Mr. Nurse on behalf of himself and the other
Builders and Repairers of Denzell Street requested
the Repairing of the same Ordered that it be done
as soon as conveniently it may be
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >