Saint Clement
At a meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act of
Parliament for better Paving Cleansing
and Lighting this Parish Etc held in the
Vestry Room the 17th day of May 1793
Present{ Mr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. BurnthwaiteMr. Rust
Mr. WingroveMr. Prince
Mr. Nurse
The Minutes of the last meeting Read
Read a Petition from Mr. Richard Buddle< no role >
relative to the excessive high Price or increase of
the Materials used by him under his Contract
which he states to be as follows 8s Hundred on the
Purbeck Paving 12s on the Granite and 16s on the
Granite Kirb Ordered that the Inspector enquire
into the truth thereof as also as to what Allowance
has been made by other Committees to others Contractor
on Account of such advance and that he Report
at the next meeting.
Read the Returns of the Inspectors of Lamps
and Paving
Mr. Space of Norfolk Street requesting leave to
take up the Pavement to fix an Iron Gate
to the
Passage leading to his House Leave was Granted