Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act
of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish
Etc held in the Vestry Room the 18th
day of May 1792
Mr Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr. PerinsMr Benjn Ireland< no role >
Mr. WingroveMr Sumner
Mr NurseMr Williams
The Minutes of the last meeting Read and confirmed
Read the returns of the Inspectors
The Clerk produced the several Contracts Entered in to
by this Committee on the 20th- April last confirmed by
the Trustees for better Paving this Parish Etc
Mr. Joseph Cooper< no role >
who Entered into Contract with
this Committee on the 20th. April last for Scavengers
work having by Letter of the 15th Instant signified
that Mr. Hutchins had applied to him for Assignment
of such Contract with this Committee and that he
Hutchins was willing to accomodate him Cooper with
Articles in their Business and therefore desiring
this Committee to grant have for such Assignment
which Letter being now Read and this Committee having
been Summoned to Consider thereof it was Resolved
that this Committee have no objection to the said
Mr. Cooper's employing Mr. Hutchins in performance of
the said Contract
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >