Saint Clemnt
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act
of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish
held in the Vestry Room the 3d
day of August 1792
Mr. Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr Bloomer Ireland< no role >
Mr Benjn. Ireland< no role >
The Minutes of the last meeting Read and
Mr Foreman at No. 14 Butcher Row
complains greatly of the want of Repairs
opposite his House Ordered that Mr.
Meredith forthwith Repair the same
Mr Douglas Owner of a House the back
of Saint Clement Danes attending & requesting
have to take up the Pavement opposite the
House in order to make a Vault for Coals
Resolved that he have leaved
Mr Brown the corner of Fountain Court
attending and requesting a Lamp as necessary
in the Passage
Resolved that the
Committee vine and Report their Opinion
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >