Read the Returns of the Inspector of Paving
and several Inspectors of Lamps
Resolved that the Foot Pavement near Mr Bird's
Door in the Strand
be viewed by the Committee
Mr Watson an Inhabitant of Arundel Street
requesting leave to take up and relay the Paving
in the Passage
leading into Water Street at his own
Expence. Resolved that Mr. Watson have leave to
do so, and that the Inspector furnish such New
Stones as are absolutely necessary, the work to be done
by this Committees Mason, under the Inspection
of the Committees Inspector
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
Saint Clement Danes
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant
to the Act of Parliament for
better Paving Cleansing and
Lighting this Parish Etc held in the
Vestry Room the 2d. day of March 1792
Mr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. Benjn. Ireland< no role >
Mr. Nurse
Mr. SadlerMr. Brewerton
Mr. PerinsMr. Wingrove
Mr. RustMr. Williams
The Minutes of the last Read and