Ann Shepherd< no role >
Aged about Twenty Eight Years on
her Oath Says that in the Year 1760 She was Married
to one
Daniel Swingler< no role >
in the Parish Church of
in the County of Wilts
and afterwards came
to London with him And finding by the Parish
Register of Shoreditch Church
(of which this Examt
took a Copy) that the said
Danl Swingler< no role >
was Marrd
to anor. Woman which is Still living this Examint. parted
with him and afterwards went and lived as a hired
Yearly Servant
Susannah Brown< no role >
a Haberdasher
near Temple Bar
in the Parish of St: Clement Danes
in the County of Middx and lived with her upwards
of thirteen Months at the Yearly Wages of five pounds
hath quitted said Service about five Yrs. Ago and
never Since Rented House paid Taxes or lived a
hired Yearly Servant for one Year And further upon her
Voluntary Oath Says that on the 17th. Day of June
last past She was delivered of a female Bastard
Child at the lying Inn Hospital in Aldersgate
which hath Since been baptized by the Name
Kitty < no role >
Says that one
John Gough< no role >
who keeps
the Sign of the George
in Warmister
is the father
of the said femal Bastard Child he having had
carnal knowledge of her Body sometime in the
Month of Sept. 1767 and at Sevl times afterwds. at one of wch
times he got her with Child of wch She was delivered as aforesd
and that the said
John Gough< no role >
and no other Pson is the true & real
father thereof
Sworn this 3d. Day of Febry 1769
before me} Tho: Lane< no role >
Ann Shepherd< no role >