Elizabeth Brewen< no role >
Aged about Twenty four
Years upon Oath Says She is the Wife of
Brewen< no role >
(gone from her) with whom She Intermarried
at the Parish Church of St Thomas the Apostle
in the City of London
about Six Years ago by
whom She has one Child Named
John< no role >
Aged about
Two Years Says her said Husband Rented Two
Seperate Houses the one in Turnmill Street
the Yearly Rent of Sixteen Pounds and the other
in Swan Alley
at the Yearly Rent of fifteen pounds
both Situate in the parish of St: James Clerkenwell
in the County of Middlesex
and lived therein Eight
Months or thereabouts and paid all Parish Taxes
for the same hath quitted said lastmentioned house
about Three Years and hath not Since Rented house
paid Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servant for
one Year
Sworn this 5th. Day of
January 1769
Before us
W Kelynge Pet. Planck< no role >
Elizabeth Brwn< no role >
Witness} Fras. Bishop< no role >