Thos Gooding< no role >
aged about 35 Years on his Oath says
he lived as a hired Yearly Servant
with Mr. Stackhouse
a Butcher
in Clare Market
in the Parish of St. Clements
in Liberty of Westr. for 2 Years at the Yearly
Wages of £12. And after he quitted that Service he went
to live as hired Sevant with Mrs. Baker a Butcher
Clare Market
afsd. & lived (with her upwards of one Year
at the Yearly Wages of 12 Pounds hath Quited the
Said last mentioned Service about 6 Years ago and hath
not since rented House Paid Taxes or Lived a hired Yearly
Servant for one Year
Sworn the 17th. day of
May 1769
before me} Thos. Kynaston< no role >
Thos [mark] Gooding< no role >