to wit
Mary Pickering< no role >
Aged about Twenty five
Years on her Oath Says she never was married Rented
House or Paid Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servant
for one Year Says she was bound an Apprentice
and Served one
Daniel Adcock< no role >
a Ribbon Weaver
Holywell Row
in the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch
in the County of Middlesex
for Three Years or upwards
the first part of her said Apprenticeship but through
the ill Usage of her Master her late Mother took her
away says she never was Assigned Over to any other
Person or ever gained any Subsequent Settlement and
Further says that on the 28th day of Decr. past
she was
delivered of Female Bastard Child in the House of Mr. Miller
in Little Wych Street
which has since been baptized by
the Name of
Ann< no role >
Says that one
George Lee< no role >
the Father then of he having had carnal Knowledge
of her Body sometime the Month of April 1773 and
at servl. different times afterwards at one of Which
times he got her with Child of the Female Bastard
of which she was so delivered as afsd. and that the said
Geo. Lee< no role >
did beget the same and that he is the real
and true Father
Sworn this 7th. day
of Febry 1774
W Kelyngs R Butler
Mary [mark] Pickering< no role >