City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1774 - 20th December 1774

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652140254

Image 254 of 53812th May 1774

were about half an hour drinking the Spirits and on going out of
the House the [..] Deponent said will you have another loss
the Deced replied No Joe' had enough, but I am used to such foul & wished him a good Night
Deponent offered to go home with the Deced but he refused, Saying
Charles Large< no role > would go home with him, Deponent Says the Deced
when he won went to the Bar and took the Glasses himself freely &
without any force or compulsion Deponent says the Landlady did
say the would drink to much & would hurt him and did not file the
Glasses, but he said he would have his Glass filled, Deponent says
the Deced & he were in perfect friendship together

John Gould< no role >

Charles Sanger< no role > of Great Peter Street St. James's Lamp Lighter on his
Oath says he was at the Plow Alehouse in Rupert Street about 9 o'Clock
on Tuesday night last and Several other People was in the Club Room, the
Deced came in about 10 o Clock, the Club broke up between 1 & 2 in
the Morning, Says when they came down Stairs the Deced said he
would toss up with him for a Glass of Give, the Deponent said No
he would for a Pint of Beer the Deced refused that, and then said to
Gould he would toss with him and he that won Should drink a
Quarter, says the Deced won Several times and then went to the
Bar and drank his Quartern in two Glasses, says the Land lady filled

Some Glasses about three quarters full, but the Deced objected to
that saying it was to him only as drinking so much water for that he had been abroad a Ship and had drank two or three
Puts of Give at a standing, says the Deced drank about 13 Glasses, Says
the Landlady would have porswaded him to Drink some part when
he came again, but the Deced said why should not I have it now
as it is to be Paid for Says Sould drank about 4 or 5 Glasses,
Says that after the Deced has done drinking he did not appear to the
[..] dept. to he much afficted by the Liquor, says Sould was much an
Liquor, Says the Deced took every Glass himself without any force
or compulsion from Sould on any other Person, Says Sould offered to go
home with the Deced but he Said Charles Says< no role > would see him home
the Deponent went out of the House with the Deced in order take
him home, and in little Poltney Street the Deced fell on the
Kirb Stone & the Deponent in the Carriage way, Says he had
hold on the Deced when he fall endeavouring to support him Out
he had not sufficient Power & strength to hang the Deced up, the
Deponent lifted the Deced up & the Deced then said take care of
my hat & Wig, the Deponent then left the Deced & came back to the
Plow for assistance, Young man came with him & they took the
Deced up & carried him home, but did not hear him speach afterwards

Chas Sanger< no role >

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