To the Worshipful William Mainwarring< no role >
. Chairman
and the rest of
the Worshipful Bench of Justices now Sitting at Hicks's Hall
The Humble Petition of Wm.. Townsend< no role >
and Thomas Marrion< no role >
Prisoners now and has been ever since the 19th. of April last in Clerkenwell
Most Humbly Sheweth
That your Worships poor Petrs. furnished Councellor
Garrow with their Brief and Fee previous to the May Session which he
kept for several days and at length returned both in Court
That each of your Worships Petrs.. has A wife and
Children which are in the greatest distress imaginable Occasioned by our
very long Confinement and which adds considerably to our distress we are
in such deplorable circumstances as to not be able to Fee Council upon the
present Occasion Therefore most Humbly entreats Your Worships to Attend
to their Case and that you'll please to Act as Council for them upon this
Occasion and that you'll think proper to be as favorable to your poor Petrs.
as the Merits of their Case will Admitt and for which your Petrs. as in Duty
bound will Affectionately and Serventty Pray
Thos. Marrion< no role >
Wm.. Townsend< no role >
18th. Septr. 1790