The King
James Field< no role >
On the Prosecution of
James Cheltenham< no role >
for a Misdemeanor
Take Notice That I shall Personally
appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace
to be holden at the Session House on Clerkenwell
in and for the County of Middlesex
on Monday
the 13th. day of September Instant by 9 of the Clock
in the Forenoon And shall then and there Plead
Not Guilty to and Try my Traverse upon the Bill
of Indictment preferred by You against Me for a
Misdemeanor Dated this 8th day of Septr. 1790
To Mr James Cheltenham< no role >
the above named Prosecutor}
Yours Etc
The Mark of
James [mark] Field< no role >
Witness Jas Hardcastle< no role >
Dean St Holborn