AT the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Lord the King, holden in and for the County of Middlesex
, at
the Session-House for the said County, ()
on Monday the Fifth Day of July in the
ThirtiethYear of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
GEORGE the Third, King of Great Britain, Etc.
The King
George Pasfield< no role >
On the Prosecution of
John Pollock< no role >
for an Assault
Upon Reading the Affidavit of George Pasfield< no role >
of Bow
in the County
of Middlesex
Cabinet maker
the Defendant abovenamed and Terah
Ventom< no role >
to Mr Cartwright to Denmark Street
in the said County
Attorney for the said George Pasfield< no role >
and the Notice of Trial thereunto
annexed It is Ordered that Notice of Trial to be left at the last
Place of Abode of the abovenamed Prosecutor for the first day of the
next Session be deemed good Service (in Case the Prosecutor or his Present
Abode cannot be found in the mean time) and that the Recognizance
for the Defendants Appearance at this Session do stand Respited
By the Court
The King on the Prosection of John Pollock< no role >
George Pasfield< no role >
for an Assault
Take Notice that I shall Personally be and appear at the next
General Session of the Peace to be holden in and for the County of
at the Session House for the said County on Clerkenwell
on Monday the thirteenth day of September next and then and
there try my Traverse with effect to the Indictment Preferred by you
against me dated this thirtieth day of July 1790
To John Pollock< no role >
the Prosecutor
above named}
Yours Etc
Geo Pasfield< no role >