Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1790

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508560101

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The King
James Enwew< no role >
otherwise called James
< no role > }
For a Conspiracy

Take Notice That John Collins< no role > ofNo 41 Bread
Street in the Parish of Saint Giles in the fields
in the County of Middlesex Shopkeeper and
John Groom< no role > of the same Place Baker will To
Morrow at 2. o Clock appear in open Court andwillbecome Bail forthe above
my Personal appearance at the next General Quarter Session
of the Peace and Oyer and Terminer to be held for the County of Middlesex
at the Session House on Clerkenwell Green to
Tryhismy Traverse on the Indictment preferred against
[..] me and others for a Conspiracy with Effect
Dated the 17th. day of September 1790

To Mr. Joseph White< no role >
the Prosecutor No. 8 Old
North Street Red Lyon

Yors. Etc
Jas Inwin< no role >

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