To the Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middlesex
in the General quarter Session holden in January
1783 assembled
The Humble Petition of James Crozier< no role >
of the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
That in the Month of July 1781 Your Petitioner
was through Your Worships favour appointed Governor
of the House
of Correction
at Clerkenwell
soon after which time Your Petitioner
was afflicted with a very Violent nervous disorder which frequently
rendered him incapable of attending to the Duties of the Office.
On this account Your Petitioner was obliged to
repose a great degree of confidence in the Servants and to rely often
upon their integrity and care alone In a situation like his any
dependence upon another must be attended with risque and
danger; the truth of which he has unfortunately and fatally experienced
fatal and unfortunate as the experience hath turned out to him he
trusts when his situation in respect to health shall be adverted
to he shall be deemed an object rather of compassion than of censure
Want of health may be a calamity but cannot be a crime, he therefore
hopes that Gentlemen will kindly look to disapprobation. It was allways
his inclination to execute the duties of his office with such a degree of
assiduity and integrity as would have reflected credit on himself and
would not have disgraced those who had done him the honour to
recommend and support him. The disorder with which he is
afflicted has increased of late to such a degree that his Life is not.
only Precarious but Curshensome and as he is rendered incapable
of executing the common
duties of Life with ease and comfort he