when He came to Goodman's Fields
on this business,
and he hopes You will not fail to be with him in
Queen Square
tomorrow by Eleven o' Clock in the
forenoon ; as He wishes much to consult with you
concerning the most proper and effectual Steps to be
pursued for preserving the Public Franquility on
Tuesday next, when I understand, much mischief
is apprehended both from the Catholicks & The Pro-
-testants being equally irritated from what has lately
happenedI have not the list of the Justices for the
County, which is very inconvenient to me ; That Genius
Bowdler had the Care of it at
Guild Hall
. &
I have never Seen it SincePlease to give the Clerks
directions about Sending the Circular Letter, which I have
order'd to be printed, as Young Stocker came into my
Office here just as I was writing this been a propos
so he will throw off 200 of them before 8 o' Clock in the
morning and carry them to The Office in Castle Yard