Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1780

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507260007

Image 7 of 107

Northd: House Sunday
Night past 11 o' Clock

Dear Sir,
I have this moment come from
Sir John Hawkins< no role > , from whom I have received
directions to convene the Justices for The County of
Middx. on Tuesday next on the morning of that
day on the most urgent business, as you will see by
the inclosed Note or Circular Letter which Sir John
formed himself while I was with him: I have
given directions to My Clerks here who are going on
with making copies of it to be transmitted to such of the Justices
as live in Town, or so near it as to be within the reach of
our Messenger in the course of Tomorrow ; and it must be
formed into an Advertisement and inserted in the Evening
Papers of tomorrow, which I will endeavour to have done
As also in Such of the morning papers of Tuesday as you
usually advertize the County business in: Sir John de-
-sired that You might be made acquainted, that he was
sorry He did not meet with You at home this Evening

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