Country are allowed to such publick Ministers for the free Exercise of the Religion of their Country, to the great Scandal
and Offence of all truly pious and good Protestants; We therefore, in Order that the Reproach of so frantick and atro-
cious an Outrage against the Precepts of Religion, as well as the Obligations of all Laws, may not remain a Disgrace to
Our Kingdom, but may be confined to the Authors, A bettors, and Perpetrators of the said Outrage, and that they may
be brought to speedy and condign Punishment, and that such dangerous and wicked Practices may hereafter be pre-
vented, have thought fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to publish and declare Our Resolution to
put the Laws in Force against such Offences: And We do hereby enjoin and require all Justices of the Peace
, Sheriffs,
Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and all other Our loving Subjects, to be aiding and assisting to the utomost of their Power
in suppressing such illegal and tumultuous Assemblies, and in detecting, apprehending, and Justice the Persons
concerned in assembling or instigating the same, and guilty of any of the Violences above-mentioned: And for the better
Detection of the Persons who were concerned in the Outrages committed at the Houses of the said publick Ministers, We
are graciously pleased to promise, that if any Person shall discover any other Person or Persons who, directly or indirectly,
were concerned in pulling down, or beginning to pull down, or in setting Fire to the Chapel of any publick Minister,
so as that the Person or Perons discovered may be prosecuted for the same, such Discoverer shall have and receive,
as a Reward, upon Conviction of such Offender or Offenders, the Sum of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS, and
also Our Gracious Pardon for the said Offence, in case the Person making such Discovery shall himself be liable to be
prosecuted for the same, except the Person who first broke into, or began to pull down or set Fire to the said Chapels.
And the Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer
of Our Exchequer are hereby required to make Payment
accordingly of the said Rewards.
Given at Our Court at St. James's
, the Fifth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and eighty,
in the twentieth Year of Our Reign.
God save the King
Printed by CHARLES EYRE< no role >
and WILLIAM STRAHAN< no role >
, Printers
to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1780.