Upon reading of the peticon within menconed & hearing what was insisted on by the
of Wm Turner< no role >
to pay mo: or sh: cause Fr: 10 cl
Refr to Mr. Smith
Mr Bateman
Mr Lestock or 2
Col Casse
Mr. Manlove
r 5s. Reff
Midd ss:
Ad Genal Quartial Session pacis Due Regine tent P Com
apnd Hicks Hall in St John street
in Com pd die
Lune scilt primo die-July Anno Qur Anne Dei gra
nunc Regine Augl Etc Quinto
It is Ordered by this Court that the [..] prsent
& Overseers of the poor
of the Pish of St John
in this County doeforthwithupon eight hereof pay
unto the within named Willin Turner< no role >
the within names
Sumon of thirty four pounds Fifteen shills & 11d. [..]
sufficient Cause into this Court to the Contrary on Fryday
next at ten of the Clock in the Forenoon
P Cur
Midd ss
Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Due Regine tent P
apnd Hicks hall
in St. John street
in Com prd. adjorn die Veneris
quinto did July anno regin Due Anne nunc Regine Augl Etc quinto