To the Right Worshipfull her [..]
of the peace of the Session [..]
The humble Peticon of Thomas [..]
humbly Sheweth
Edwd: Kitchener< no role >
being indebted to your petr. (after yo
Allowing and Discounting Six
[..] pounds Eight Shillings to the sa
Edwd Kitchener< no role >
) the Sume of Eight pounds one Shilling and a p
for wages due before Michas
[..] 1705 & Seaventeene Shilling
and Six pence due betweene the said Michas and Ch
in the wholefor Lace penters and do
[..] work which makes in the whole Eight pounds Eighteen Shilling
Six pence for wages, And your Petr. of he desiring the Sd. Edwa
Kitchener and his denyeing to pay and Satisfy the Same
Your Petr. did therefore upon oath obtaine
ana Coaviant from
Justice Dully Agt: the Said
Edward Kitchener< no role >
for the
thereof, by vertue whereof the said
Edward Kitchener< no role >
brought before Mr: Justice
[..] Mr: Justice
Noy Mr: Justice Goodwin and other her Matters Justice
peace at a Meeting held at the Swanne at h
on Whitsun Monday last
Which matter upon ye. Allegacon of the Said [..]
Worships with the consent of the said parties [..]
thereof to Mr. Parker on your petrs: behalfe and to [..]
on ye: Said Kitchiners behalfe both of the there [..] Pish of [..]
And not withstanding the Said Mr: Parker together wi [..]
Petr. have often desired to proceed therein [..] the said [..]
Kitchener has delayed your petr: therein
Ri: Rooke< no role >
Therefore Your petr. respect of Such
And for that the Said Kitchenor had already
psented and Still del threatne your petr
with Suites at Law Merely to Affright
Detterr your petr: from his pceedings
humbly prays this Court for releife
recovery of his said wages in such manner
Your worships Shall thinke fit
Petr: Shall ever pray Etc.
Tho [..]