Ch: to att & sh: cause Th: 10 cl
Peticon of Barber smith< no role >
Middx ss:
Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Due Regine
tent P Com Middx
apud Hicks hall
in St. John street
in Com prd. die Lune scilt primo die July anno regin
Due Anne nunc Regine Augl Etc quinto
It is Ordered by this Court that the Churchwardens & Overseers of the
poor of the parish of St. Andrew
in this County have notice of this
peticon and that they doe attend this Court on Thursday next at ten
of the clock in the forenoon to shew cause why they should not receive
into their care & provide for the child within menconed [..] as for other
poor at the charge of the Inhabitants of the sd Parish
sup sa [..] peticonrs. servic Ordinis
& peticon sup Geo: [..] man
supvisor pennyman Ordinat est. qd. Guard & Supvisor
manu tenent
prd. fil