To the Worshipfull His Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middlesex
assembled in their
General Quarter Sessions of the peace
holden for the said County
The Petition of John Drinkwater< no role >
That Your Petitioner hath served the Office of
one of the High Constables
of the Hundred of
in the said County for the space of
three Years
He therefore prayeth to be Discharged
from his said Office and humbly
recommendeth either of the persons under
Names (of the Township of New Brentford
the said Hundred) as fit persons to Succeed
him in the said OfficeVizt
April 1760
Vizt. Paul Bellerjean< no role >
John Miles< no role >
William Lonsdale< no role >
Thomas Tippin< no role >
This petition is recommended
by us
Saml-Tufnell< no role >
Jo:D:Birkhead< no role >
Mr. Howard of New Brentford
Christor. Lonsd< no role >