Know all men by these presents that I Urbin Count
De Villiers of Chelsea
in the County of Middx
have remised released and for ever quitt claymed And by
these presents doe remise release and for ever quitt clayme unto
Lawrence Astalin< no role >
of Saint Anns
Wat. Tabacconist
hisHeires Executors and Administrators all
and all manner of Action and Actions Cause and Cause of
Action Suites Bills Bonds Writings obligatorie Debts Duel
Duties Accompts Sume and Sumes of money Judgments
Executions Extents Quarrells Controversies Trespasses
Damages and Demands whatsoever both in Law and
Exquitie or otherwise howsoever which against the said
Lawrence Astelin< no role >
I ever had and when I my Heirer
Executors or Administrators shall or may have claime
challenge or demand for or by reason or meanes of any
matter cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of
the world unto the day of the date of these presents In-
wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seals
the Eighteenth day of Jany, in the Seventh year
of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord George the Second
by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland
KingDefender of the Faith
and so forth And
in the year of Our Lord are they and them Seven hundred
thirty and three
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
(being first duely [..] )
I Come Die
Demonraty Villiers