The King Ast Samuel Peirson< no role >
at the Prosecution of Sarah< no role >
the Wife
of Henry Hooper< no role >
Take Notice that the Deft. intends to appear at
the Sessions of the Peace now holden at [..]
Hick's Hall
in Saint John Street
in and for the County of Middx
to Morrow being Tuesday the fifteenth day of this
[..] Sandy at ten of the Clock in the forenoon
of the same day then & there to Plead guilty to the
Indictmt You preferd Ast. him in October Sessions
last for Unlawfully Breaking & Entering the
dwelling house of one Henry Hooper< no role >
And also for
Assaulting Sarah the Wife of the sd. Henry
Hooper< no role >
dated the 14th. day of
[..] Janry
Your Humble Servants
Jn Compton< no role >
for the Defendant