said Rate is defective and not sufficient to pay the
Rakeraforesaid salary of sixty pounds to the-
said Raker and to defray the other charges &-
expences of the Petrs. in relation to their said office
by reason that noe charge is made in the said-
Rate upon the Inhabitants in respect of their
personal estates Doth hereby Order that the
Constables Church wardens Overseers of the poor &
Inhabitants of the said parish of St. Luke
attend the Court of the next General Quarter-
Session of the peace to be holden for this County by adjornment
onday of April next
at ten of the clock in the forenoon to shew cause
why they should not forthwith make such a
sufficient Rate upon the Inhabitants of the sd.
Parish for defraying the expences of thesa
Scavengers & Rakers and such like Officers
Wages for carrying away the ashes, soyl, fifth
& dirt out of the said parish soe as the Petr.
may be reimbursed & paid such charges &-
expences as they already have been at or may
defray & expend in relation to their said
Office of Scavengers,