Pursuant to the Order of referrence hereunto
Annext, We whose Names are Subscribed did
at Our Petty Sessions Examine into the Matter
of the Annexed Petition in the presence of the Petitioner
the Scavengers And of the Constable Church Wardens
and Overseers of the poor of the parish of St. Luke
in the said Petition mentiond And do find
that in the rate made for the said Scavengers
no Charge is made on personal Estates & that
the rate as made is not Sufficient to defray
the Expence of the Raker Whereupon we
recommended it to the parish officers and
inhabitants by an Additional rate to Charge
the Personal Estates of the Inhabitants in the said
parish, which we Conceived would Amount the
about Ten pounds & be Sufficient to answer the
purposes of the said rate, to which the Churchwards
& Overseers consented, but the Scavengers declined
to A [..] thereof allead [..]
difficulty in the right of makeing & Collecting
such Additional rate.
Robt. Tothill< no role >
Si. Michelle< no role >