Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502970061

Image 61 of 14612th January 1734

To the Rt Worspll. His Majties. Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middlesex in their
Quarter Sessions Assembled

The humble Petition and Appeal of the
Church wardens and Overseers of ye poor of
the parish of Kensington in the said County


That by Wanter order under the hands and
Seals of Valantine Hilder< no role > and Peter Guerin< no role > Esqrs. Two of his
Majties: Justices of the peace for the County of Middlesex Etc
One being of the Quorum bearing Date the 12th Day of
January 1733 John Richardson< no role > named
in the Said Warrt order was
removed and Conveyed from the parish of St. Pauls Covent
Garden in the said County of Middlesex to the parish of
Kensington Aforesaid Alledging therein that the said
Parish of Kensington is the place of the Last Legall
Settlement of the said John Richardson< no role > .

Yor. Petrs findeing themselves agrieved
by the order of the Said Justices humbly
Appeal Against the Same to this Court
And for As much as Yor Peticonrs Cannot
be ready to prosecute their Said Appeal this
present Sessions most humbly pray that
Yor Worpps: would be Pleased to adjoun
the hearing And Determining of the Said
Appeal untill the next Generall Sessions
of the Peace to be Sd for this County
And that Yor Worspps. would be Pleased
to appoint Some Day in the Said Sessions
for All parties Concerned to Attend to
hear and Abide the Judgment and Deter
mination of this Court touching the Said

And Yor Petrs as
in Duty bound Shall
Pray and So forth

R Horton Agent
for the Appettants.

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