P adjorn Jovis 10 o. die July
Upon reading the peticon of Tho: Glover< no role >
late belonging
to her late Maties ship the Norfolk
exhibited unto
this Court setting forth that the Petr. whilst he
belonged to the aforesaid ship (then Under the
comand of Capt
. Robert Wynn< no role >
) in the yeare one
thousand seven hundred & six at Spithead [..] going
to the Masthead to clear the Vain, unfortunately
fell down thence upon the Forecastle the sixteenth
day of October
being dangerously bruised in the
head & body, by reason whereof the Petr. being
so disabled both in limb & sight is rendred
totally uncapable of serving the Governmt. or of
getting a subsistance to support his Family, In
consideracon whereof the Petr. humbly implored
this Court according to an Act of Parliament
made in the fourty third years of Queen Elizabeth
& perpetuated in the third yeare of King Charles
the first to grant unto the Petr. such a pension
from this County as the said Act directs, Now
upon examinacon into the premisses and on produceing of proper Certificates to make
out the truth of the Petrs. case setforth in his said
peticon as the Law in such case directs, This
Court being satisfyed of the truth of the premisses
And that the Petr. is an Inhabitant legally
settled in the parish of St. Andrew Holborn
in this
County, and that he is not a Pentioner to the
Chest at Chatham
, And that he is a Person
deserveing to be admitted as a disabledSoldier
Mariner & Pentioner of this Courty Doth Order
that the Petr. be and he is hereby admitted and
allowed to be a disabled Mariner & Pentioner of