That by the said expression(vizt)
but atThat no licence shall be granted to any person to keep a comon Inn or Alehouse [..] or to retail any [..] brandy or strong waters but at General Meeting of the Justices of the
acting in the Division where the sd person
dwells, It is intended that the granting of licences tolicenceing ofInn Keepers
Alehouse Keepers or Retailers of Brandy or strong
waters, shall be at such Meetingsof the Justices of
peaceonly as have been usually held by the
Justices of peace every yeare in the Severall
Divisions [..] within this County for the Generall
Renewing of licences, And that noe Justices
of the peace are to great such licences
otherwise than at such Generall Meetings to be
convened according to the intention of the said
Act, of Parliament,