Worthy Sr
As my good Freind the Rt Honorable
the Lord Berkly of Stration continues his favors
to me and as You have been pleased to wite yr
self my Freind allsoe, I humbly presume One yr
faver one the behalfe of a poor man Peter Wall
who is comitted to this place by Mr. Millner a Justice
of the peace in Hatton garden
, upon Suspition of
attempting to carry of a small quarrel of lead in a
basket oute of an empty hous. [..] rebult
the said Peter Wall< no role >
, has been allways estemed a
verry sober honnest man and has to my knowledge verry
Worthy relations in Hampsheire and Sussex altho
misfortunes have refused him to Worke as a labarer
and he ownes that being drunk. be did lay downe to
sleep. in the hous wheere the bucket was but he calls
God to Witness, that he knows not who placed it.
theare nor had he any designe to wrong any man
If theare be any bill formed or brought against
him I beseech you, to lett me know it and