To the Rt: Worshipl. His Majesties Justices's of the
for the County of Middx
at their General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace Assembled
The humble Peticon of Richard Mathews< no role >
Owen Jones< no role >
, Mathias
Huntley< no role >
, James Bennet< no role >
, and John Harding< no role >
, late petty
Uxbridge divison
in Elthorn Hundred
in ye
County of Middlx
That whereas at a petty sessions held at Uxbridge for Uxbridge
Divission on Elthorn Hundred in the County of Middx the Ninth day of April
which was Anno dom 1724 (after reciting the Referrence therein recited
Robert Viner< no role >
James Rogers< no role >
Francis Byng< no role >
Three of
his Majestyes Justices of the peace
for the said County Did by their Warrant
under their Hands & seales dated said Ninth day of April 1724
Order the
then Treasurer of monies raised or to be raised for passing of Vagrants in the
said County Forthwith to pay unto the said
Richard Mathew< no role >
Rice Davis< no role >
datd the then petty Constables
of Uxbridge Divission
aforesaid, the sume of
Five pounds and seven Shillings
And whereas by a certificate under the hands of Sr
Geo: Cooke< no role >
James Rogers< no role >
John Weedon< no role >
three of His Maties Justices of the peace
for the County aforesd
Dated 25th: April 1728
They did thereby Certify unto his Majestys Justices of
the peace
in the same County That the
[..] Sume of Four pounds and Six
Six Shillings was them due to the said
James Bennett< no role >
John Harding< no role >
their loss of time & expences in passing of Vagrants Etc
And whereas at a petty Sessions held at Uxbridge aforesaid for the Divission
hundred & County aforesaid the 29th:day of May 1729.
(after reciting the Referrence
therein recited the said Sr George Cooke< no role >
, Robert Viner< no role >
and James Rogers< no role >
, Esquire
Three of His Majesty Justices of the Peace
for the said County Did by their Warrant
under their Hands & seales dated said Ninth day of May
1729 Order the Treasurer
of Monies then Raised or to be raised [..] for passing of Vagrants in the said
County forthwith to Pay the said Owen Jones< no role >
, & Mathias Huntly< no role >
, the then Petty Constables
sume of Seven Pounds & three Shillings as By the said Orders [..] or Warrants, [..]
Certificate respectively may more fully appear
That neither of your Peticoners above named have at any time recd the
Monies menconed & contained in the respective Orders & Certificate above menconed
or any part thereof, Notwithstanding All their Applicacon made to obtain the same
Your Peticoners therefore Humbly Pray that this Honble Court
would be pleased to Order that the Treasurer
of the Monies for passing of Vagrants in the said
County of Middx
forthwith make payment of their per respective sumes of mony
above menconed, or to make such other or further Order in the
Prms for their Obtaining the same as to yor. Worspps shall seem meet
{James Barnes< no role >
Vx Petr.}
{And your Peticoners shall ever Pray Etc.
Richard Mathews< no role >
Owen Jones< no role >
Nathanl: Huntly< no role >
James Bennet< no role >
John Harding< no role >
[..] )