Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1729

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502610022

Image 22 of 4224th June 1729

P adjorn Jovis 10 o. die July 1729

Whereas by an Act Parliament made in
the second yeare of the reign of his present
Matie King George the second,It is (intend)
to Intituled, Aro Act
touching the licensing
Retalers of Brandy and other distilled liquors,
and for better regulating of licenses for common
Inns and Alehouses, It is (inter al) Enacted
That from & after the twenty fourth day of
June one thousand seven hundred & twenty
nine no licence shall be granted to any person
to keep a common Inn or Alehouse or to retail
any Brandy or strong waters, but at a General
Meeting of the Justices of the peace acting in the
Division where the said person dwells to be
holden for that purpose on the first days of
September yearly or within twenty days after
or at any other General Meeting of the said Justices
to be holden for the Division wherein the said
person resides, And all licences which shall after
the said twenty fourth day of June one thousand
seven hundred & twenty nine be granted to the
contrary thereof shall be Null & void, This Court
haveing taken into consideracon the aforesaid
clause in the said Act of Parliament , Is of Opinion

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