Middx ss:
Ad Genal Quartal Session pacis Dni Regis tent P Com Middx
Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
Com prd. die Lune Scilt
[..] die July Anno Rni Dui Georgy Scdi nunc Regis
Mage Brit Etc tertio
It is Ordered by this Court that ye Churchwdns.
& Overseers of the poor of the parish of St Mary Whitechappell
this County have Notice of this Appeal & that they & all other
persons concerned do attend this Court on Saturday [..] next at tenn
of the Clock in forenoon, to hear & abide ye Judgment of this
Court upon & touching ye sd. Appeal.
P Cur
St. Margts
. Westmr
St Mary Whitechapell
Co: on both sides
Order confirmed
to be hd Sat 10 cl
Eliza. Cox< no role >
Adjd. to adj: day [..] being
15 day cof next Sess:
10 cl
Served this upon
Mr Thos Rawlinson< no role >
Church warden
July 9th: 1729
in person
Augt. 22d Served by
Leaveing a Coppy wth
his wife [..]