P adjorn Jovis 10o. die July
It is Ordered by this Court that the further
whereas aconsederacon of thematter touching the granting of
a licence by the right honble. the Lord
Powlett< no role >
& by Col
Robert Gardner< no role >
(Since deced)
to one John Gill< no role >
at the
White horse
to keep a coman Alehouse, after he
had been refused the same as keeping a disorderly
house, at the last Generall Renewall of licences
holden for the Division of New Brentford
Six Justices of the peace of that Division
assembled in petty Sessions, was appointed to be
heard by this Court on this tenth day of July
, It is Ordered by this Court that the
further consideracon of Soe much of the said
matter as relates to the said Lord
Powlett< no role >
be and the same is hereby adjorned