fees he not only loses but must maintaine them,
and often tunes small children brought with
them, dureing their confinement, Insomuch that
the petr. doth not receive by the profits ariseing
or accrewing to him by Vertue of his Sd. Office
Soe much as pays the necessary charge of
housekeeping, maintaining Servants and the
poor prisoners, paying for the water & small
repaires, finding comon necessarys, carrying
the dirt away, and other incident charges
belonging to the said Prison (the truth whereof
the petr, is ready to testify upon Oath if required)
All which renders the petr, uncapable of
paying the yearly sumes of twenty pounds and
ten pounds charged on the petr. on this first
entrance of the said Office, And the petr. therefore
prayed that this Court will be pleased to take
the premisses into consideracon, and grant him
such releife as to this Court shall seem meet,
[..] And it appearing to this Court
that an Order was made it the Generall
Sessions of the peace holden for this County by
adjornmt. on Thursday the twenty second day
of May now last whereby It was Ordered that
the petr, should on or before the seventh day of
July instant pay unto Barwell Smith< no role >
. [..]
Treasurer for the yeare one thousand seven
hundred & twenty eight for maimed Soldiers &
Mariners within the Hundreds of Ossulston
Edmonton & Gore in the Said County the sume
of Twenty pounds due fromhimthe petr. and
payable at Lady day one thousand seven hundred
& twenty seven as Keeper of New prison
on account of repaireing the same, and alsoe the
like sume of twenty pounds from him due and
payable at Lady day one thousand seven hundred
& twenty eight upon the like account of repairing