To the Right Worpll: their Majties. Justices of the
Peaces for the County of Middx.
Humbly Sheweth.
The humble Peticon of
Francis Quarill< no role >
That by Indentrs: of Appnticeshipp dated the 23th of January 1684
Petr was bound an Appntice to one William Gatley< no role >
of the parish of
St Buttoy
without Algate
in the County of Midds
To Learne his Art Forth
terme of Eight yeares from the date thereof: That ever since untill the 29th: of
Aprill last yor Petr hath continued in his Service, & faithfully & dilligently De
meaned himself as an Appntice, though with greate difficulty through hard &
unreasonable Us [..] all that times (as yor Petr can prones) And yor Petr expected that
according to the tenour of the said Indenture his said Mastr would have Taught
him his Trade or the Art hee Weth, Vizt. to buy & Sell all sorts of Colours & boyle
& Sell Size for the use of Plaisterers & Paynters (but more principally Buying &
Selling of Colours.) & that yor Petr should have bin imployed or instructed by his sd
Mastr, to buy Colours abroad & thereby have knowne the prizes thereof, & have bin
frequent in his Shopp for the Selling of Colours at home & thereby have knowne
the profit madeby Buying & Selling But soe it is may it please this neocence [..] Bench
That instead of his said Masters Teaching & Instructing him in the best & most
profitable part of his Trade of Buying & Selling Colours, hee hath kept yor Petr
altogether Ignorant thereof, & never yett to this time hath imployed or instruct
him therein but hath altogether imployed yor Petr in the more Slavish & Laborion
part of his Trade, wch. in truth is no Trade nor Art at all, Vizt. in Boyling of Size Etc
carrying it out abroad in greate Burthens your petr Many times working all night in
Boyleing, but frequently by 3 a clock in the Morning: & in the day time working
hard from Morning to night in carrying size to Customers in Ferkins, [..]
two Ferkins at a time of a hundred & a quartr pound weight, & sometimes
other Burthens of Two hundred pound weight, so that yor Petr hath bin more a
Porter then a Colour man: Besides much hard Usage by being continually
Beaten for no fault both by Mar. & Mris. together, & perticulerly one time [..] yor Petr
was Lock up in a Roome 3 or 4 daies, together & abused him so that hee was almost
strangled, & at [..] other times both Mar, & Mris together have [..] Beaten him till
they have bin forced away; And on the 29th. of Aprill [..] being a Fast day, his said Mar
did not onely make him work though Fast day (wch hee was willing to doe for
Quietness sake) hee being a Quaker & Opening his Shopp & working on all Holy daies
in the Yeares, except Sundays) but did also unreasonably Beats him, Turned
him away & bid him be gone out of his house & Services threatening to doe yor Petr
mischeif if hee stayed or came againe, And hath ever since refused to receive yor Petr
though Severall times since Tenderd, Neither will hee discharge. yor Petr unless yor
Petr give him Bond to pay £10. for the remaindr of his time, a Sumr wch hee knows yor
petr is not able to pay, & detaines all yor Petrs Cloths, [..] hee every having bought
yor Petr any Clothes but one Cote, By all wch meanes his said Mastr hath done what
in him Lay to rmne yor Pet & by exposing him to take ill course. Threatening hee will
never teach yor petr his Trade & hopes to see him Hanged Both Mar & Mrie. beareing
malice agt him because yor Petr will not become a Quaker & goe to their Meetings,
wch they have continually endeavowreds to Seeme him to
Wherefore yor. petr humbly prayeth this Worprs Bench to discharge him
from his said Appnticesshipp for the Remainder of his times, & to
ordr his said most & to deliver yor petr & clothes, with some few goods
hee hath there, Unless his mastr can show cause to the contrary.
And shall pray Etc.