October 1784
The previous question was now moved Vizt. that the above
question so amended as aforesaid be now put which was carried
in the negative.
It was now moved that an advertisement be inserted
Three times in each of the Publick Papers (in which the advertisement
ordered by this Court are usually inserted) offering Premiums to any
person or persons who shall produce a plan or plans of a House of
Correction for this County adapted to the ground approved by the Sessions
for the purpose of such erection which motion being agreed to
Premium of Thirty
Guineas offered for
best plan 20g for ye
Second 10gs for 3d.
Resolved that the premiums to be given be as follows Vizt.
Thirty Guineas for the best plan Twenty Guineas for the Second in
merit and Ten Guineas for the third in merit.
The Three Plans appd.
to be kept by the Cl. of
the peace
Resolved that the Three plans approved be kept by the Clerk
of the peace for the use of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for this County
and that no gratuity be given for any plan except the plans approved.
Resolved that the advertisement to the following purport.
"Plans for a House of Correction
Advertisemt for
"His Majestys Justices of the peace for the County of Middlesex
"having approved of a piece of ground in the Parish of St James Clerkenwell
"for the purpose of erecting a House of Correction thereon do hereby give
"notice that any person or persons desirous to offer a plan or plans for
"such Building with all necessary apartments and conveniences may
"produce the same sealed up to his Majesty's Justices of the peace for
"this County at their next Session to be holden at the Session House for
"the said County on Thursday the 9th. day of December next before
"the hour of one-A plan of the Ground may be seen at the office of
"the Clerk of the peace at the Session house aforesaid where other
"necessary information respecting the Building may also be had.
"The plans that shall be approved of will be kept for the use of his
"Majestys justices of the peace for this County and a premium of Thirty
"Guineas will be given for that which shall be adjudged to be the best
"Twenty guineas for that which shall be adjudged to be the second in
"merit and Ten Guineas for that which shall be adjudged to be
"the third in merit, no gratuity will be given for the other
"plans which will be returned.