Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090040

Image 40 of 54225th May 1784

May 1784


At the General Session of the peace of our Lord
the King holden in and for the County of Middlesex
at the Session House for the said County on Tuesday
the Twenty fifth day of May in the Twenty fourth
Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
Third King of Great Britain Etc [..] from thence
continued by several adjournments until this day
to wit Thursday the Twenty Seventh day of the
same Month of May Before William Mainwaring< no role >
Esquire , Sir James Esdaile< no role > , Sir Sampson Wright< no role >
Knights Herbert Mayo< no role > Doctor in Divinity Richard
Taylor, William Coleman< no role > , Edward Gray< no role > , Joseph
Girdler, Nicholas Forster< no role > , William Kitchener< no role >
Jeremiah Bentham< no role > , Thomas Gordon< no role > , Thomas Gilbert< no role > ,
Nathaniel Conant< no role > , William Bleamire< no role > , Jacob Leroux< no role > ,
David Wilmot< no role > , William Blackmore< no role > , John Slade< no role > ,
Joseph Beete< no role > , Thomas Brooksbank< no role > Humphry
Jackson William Wright< no role > Robert Smith< no role > Thomas
Parker Robert< no role > Butler Joseph< no role > Faikney John< no role >
Staples Edward Webster< no role > William Gregson
Thomas Tryon Cotton David Walker< no role > Rice Davie
Samuel Hawkins< no role > Jenkin Jones< no role > George Allcock< no role >
Esquires and Richard Neate< no role > Clerk

Order for the attendce.
of the High Constables
every County day who
shall not have levied
and paid their County
Rate confirmed and
made a}

Standing Order

A Motion was made that the Resolution come to in
February Session last Vizt. "That the several High Constables of this
County whenever they shall not have paid to the Treasurer of this
County the several Sums of Money they may be required to levy and
pay for and towards a County Rate do attend the Court on the County
day of each Session till such payment shall be made to shew cause
why they do not levy and pay the same" be Confirmed and the same
being Unanimously agreed to the said Order was declared to be a
standing Order of Court

By adjournment same day

Report of the Committee
appointed to take into
considn. the Buildg a new
House of Correction for
this County}

A Report from the Committee appointed in February Session
last to take into Consideration the Building a New House of Correction on
a Scale adapted to the Ground purchased of the Quakers together with the
Scite of the present House of Correction and to prepare a plan or Plans for
that purpose being read of which the following is a Copy.

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