At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
King begun and holden for the County of Middlesex
at Hicks Hall
St. John Street
in the County aforesaid On Monday the first Day of July
in the Twenty fifth Year of the reign of Our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
George the
Second King of great Britain Etc and from thence Continued by Several
Adjournments untill this day (to wit)Thursday the eleventh day of
the same month of July in the year aforesaid And on the same day
holden by adjournment at Hicks Hall
aforesaid in and for the said
County before
Henry Fielding< no role >
Henry Butler< no role >
Pacey Merry< no role >
George Errington< no role >
Thomas Rea< no role >
Thomas Jervis< no role >
Dekewer William< no role >
John Goodchild< no role >
William Casten< no role >
Walter Berry< no role >
And other
their Fellows Justices of Our said Lord the King assigned to keep the
Peace in the County aforesaid and also to hear and determine divers
felonies trespasses and other Misdeeds committed in the Same County.
Order of Sessions for
Settling the Wages of
Journeymen Taylors}
Complaint being made unto this Court by Several Master Taylors
inhabiting in the City and Liberty of Westminster
and in that part of
the County of Middlesex
which is within the Weekly Bills of Mortality
that a great many Journeymen Taylors have Since the commencement
of the present year 1751 exacted and insisted to leave much greater
Wages for their Work in making up Mens or Womens Cloths than
are settled and Ascertained by an Act of Parliament made in the
Seventh year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the first,
Intituled, An Act for regulating the Journeymen Taylor within the
Weekly Bills of Mortality.But that the said Master Taylors in Order
to prevent such executions for the future,were willing that the
Journey men Taylors should be allowed greater Wages then were
settled by the said Act of Parliament, And for that purpose
they now make application to this Court to altor the Wages
mentioned in the said Act, And to Settle and Ascertain the Wages of the
Journeymen Taylors in such Manner as the Court Shall think
reasonable and Just And the said Matter now coming on to be
determined at this present General Quarter Sessions of the
peace holden by adjournment as above for the said County
on this Eleventh day of July instant His Majesty's Justices
of the peace abovenamed now Assembled at the Same Session