Taking into Consideration the said Act, and also an Act passed the last sessions
of Parliament, entitled, An Act for granting to his Majesty< no role >
an additional
Duty upon Spirituous Liquors, and upon Licences for retailing the same [..]
and being informed that many Persons propose to take Houses, not
heretofore Publick Houses, and to use the same as Taverns, Victualling
Houses, Inns, Coffee Houses, or Ale houses, and that others design to Convert
their own private Houses into publick Houses for the same purpose,
which, this Sessions apprehends, will defeat the good Ends proposed by the
said Act, and that such Increase of Publick Houses will manifestly tend
to the Detriment of the Health and Morals of the Common
people, which
are greatly debauched by the numbers of Publick Houses now every year
Licensed and which are for more than sufficient to answer any necessary
End or Purpose, an of opinion and do recommend it to the Justices of peace
for this County when they meet at then several and respective Divisions,
not to licence any House which hath not been heretofore a Tavern Victualling
House, Inn, Coffee House
or Alehouse, or which, if heretofore a Publick
House, has not been so within the space of three years last past, or
which hath been Connected into a private House since the same was
a publick one. It is also further ordered by this Court that Copies
hereof be sent to the Vestry Clerk of each parish, in every Division of
this County, to be Communicated to the Justices of peace
of each
Division when they next meet for licensing. And to the End that all
persons may have timely notice of this recommendatory Order,
this session is of opinion, that the same be published in one or more
of the Daily Papers.
By adjornment on Thursday the fourth day of July 1751.
Whereas by an order made by the Court of General Quarter session of
the peace holden at Hicks hall
in St. John Street
in and for this County
of Middlesex
by adjornment on Thursday the Eighteenth day of
January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
forty nine and in the twenty third year of his present Majestys reign
It was (amongst other things therein mentioned) Recommended by
the Court to the respective Justices of the peace
of this County,
whenever any Rogues and Vagabonds are brought before them
in order to be passed or conveyed away to the place of their
legal settlement, that they strictly comply with the directions