Hereunto set our hands and seals the twenty third Day of May in
the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one
and in the Twenty fourth year of the Reign of our sovereign
Lord George the second King of Great Britain France and Ireland
Defender of the Faith.
Know all Men by These presents that William
Pentlow of the Parish of Saint George Bloomsbury
in the
County of Middlesex
Henry Fielding< no role >
of the
Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden
in the County aforesaid
and Barwell Smith< no role >
of the Parish of St. Andrew
in the same County Esquire
are held and firmly
bound unto Thomas Lane< no role >
George Cooke< no role >
Luke Robinson< no role >
and Henry Butler< no role >
Pacey Esquire
Justices of Our Lord the King Assigned to Keep the peace in
the County of Middlesex
in Manner following (that is to say)
the said William Pentlow< no role >
in Two hundred pounds of lawfull
money of Great Britain and the said Henry Fielding< no role >
Barwell Smith< no role >
in one hundred pounds a piece of like
lawful money of Great Britain the said respective sums
of Two hundred pounds and one hundred pounds a Piece
to be paid to the said Thomas Lane< no role >
George Cooke< no role >
Robinson and Henry Butler< no role >
Pacey or to their certain
Attorney Executors or Administrators To the payment
of which said sum of Two hundred pounds well and
truly to be made the said William Pentlow< no role >
doth bind himself
his Heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by those
presents Sealed with his seal And to the payment of
the said sum of one hundred pounds a piece Each of them
the said Henry Fielding< no role >
and Barwell Smith< no role >
as to his
own part and be half only doth bind himself his Heirs
Executors and administrators firmly by These presents
Sealed also with the respective seals of them the said
Henry Fielding< no role >
and Barwell Smith< no role >
Dated the Twenty
third Day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand