City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920281

Image 281 of 3815th July 1781

Particular day she does not recollect, says that just before
this Alarm she saw the prisoner Mary Thompsons go out of
Humphreys's House< no role > and return with a pint of Beer, and soon
after come out a second time, without any thing on her head
but a Common Cap, that almost directly after this she saw
the Prisoner Charles Thompson< no role > stand at the parlour door
of Humphreys's House< no role > , and looking back into the room at
times as if concerning with some body with in, and presently
afterwards saw him come out with something in his Hand
with a Silk Handkerchief thrown over its, and walk away
very quickly, that almost immediately afterwards she saw
this Informant Humphreys's come out and in great Confussion say that he
was ruined, says that she saw the said Charles Thompson< no role >
no more until she came to give her Evidence here

And this Informant Simon Spicer for himself saith that
on this day for't night the prisoner Charles Thompson< no role > came
to his House, and took an Apartmentofthis Informant's
House, and said he would being his Wife to see it on the
Monday following, he said his name was Boughton, and that
his Father was an Attorney at Bath, that he had come to do
his Father's Buiness in Town says that Thompson did not
come on the Monday as he had promised but came with the
other prisoner, whom he then called his Wife, about half an hour
past nine O'Clock in the Evening of the day following, &
discharging the Coach he came in, they both were invited to
sup with this Informant who was then as Supper, which they
accordingly both did, and on discoursing with sd. Charles Thompson< no role >
he had great reason to believe him not to be the person he had
before declared himself to he.which gave him [..] he therefore
had suspicions of them both, and became cautious in Cooking after
his house property, says that the next Morning both the said prisoner
breakfasted with him, and he then told them said Charles Thompson< no role > that It was
necessary for every person in London who took ready
furnished Lodgings to have some person of Credit to give them
a Character, to which he replied with some indifference that to
be sure it was necessary for some person to give 'em in a Character
but yet seemed to made doing so, or going on with that
discourse, but soon after in Conversation named several persons
that he knew, and amongst the rest named a Mr. King as No 1 in
the Temple , but not in such a Way as if he meant to have
this Informant enquire of him, says that almost immediately
afterwards this Informant went to the Temple to enquire for
King, but could find no such person, says that he saw Thompson
again that day about five in the Afternoon, when he & his wife
drank Tea with him, and being dissatisfied as not finding King
thro' he did not inform Thompson [..] that he had been after him) he
began to [..] enquire of Thompson if he knew any body in order for Informant to referr [..] for
his Character, he said he knew Doctor Harris in Drs Comons
says that one of this Informants Journeyman having heard that then

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