William Badcock< no role >
of Lymington
in the County of
late Master or Comander of the Sloop
or Vessell
called the Dolphin and Bryan Mc:Daniah< no role >
late a Mariner
board the sd. Vessell Severally make Oath That about the
beginning of the Month of March last there was shipped on
board the sd. Vessell by John Ashton< no role >
, of Liverpoole
in the
County of Lancaster
at Liver Poole
aforesd: One
Thousand four Hundred & forty Bushells of white salt for
in the County of the Suffolk on Account of Stephen Abbot< no role >
an Inhabitant of the City of London
& Company And also Eight Hundred Bushells of
Rock Salt by John Benson< no role >
of Liverpoole
aforesd. Merchts
for Ipswich
aforesd. on Richd. of the sd: Stephen Abbott< no role >
an Inhabitant of Londn
aforesd: & Company the Dutys whereof were paid or secured to be paid
(as these Deponents beleive from the Certificate thereof) to Mr.
John Smith Colleston< no role >
of his Majestys Dutys on Salt at
in the County of Chester
And that they these
Deponents sailed in & with the sd. Vessell & the sd. herein
before mentioned respective Quantitys of White & Rock Salt
on board her from Liverpoole
aforesd. for Ipswich
aforesd. on
the Eighth day of March last. the Wind being then South East
& by the East & on the ninth of the sd: Month at six of the Clock
in the Afternoon the Bardsey Island bore South East five
League, distant from the sd: Vessell the Wind being then South
South East
& blowing very hard & the seas were rough &
Ceisterous & on the tenth day of the same month about four of
the Clock in the Afternoon Saint Davids Head
bore South
South West about Eight Leagues distant the Wind being then
at South & at twelve at night the Gale encreasing they were
obliged to hawl down the Mainsail of the sd. Vessell in order
to roof the sd: Sail the Wind still continuing to blow hard
at South & by West & the Vessell made much water about
eight of the Clock in the Morning of the eleventh day of the sd.
Month they bore away with the sd. Vessell in order he have