To the Right honble Sr
. Crisp Gasecoyne< no role >
. Knt
. and Lord
of the Citty of London Etc.
To, the honbleMortan Esqr. and the Other Judges assembled
at Justices hall in the Old Bailey
The humble Petitn, of Isaac Sheffield< no role >
Most humbly Sheweth
That Your Lordship's most humble Petitr, who now Stands
Indicted for felony, on a false prossecution, having been in
confinement a considerable time; Your Lordships's Petitr, haveing
a family whose Dependance are Chiefly on Petitrs. Labour and
for many Other Incumstanes
Most humbly prays Your Lordshipp's will take
into Your most Wise considerations and Admitt Your
Lorships poor distress'd petitr, to Baile Fryal or Discharge
and Your Lordships poor petitr, will in the greatest
Duly bound Ever